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Campus Analytics Suite

A dropout prevention tool fully integrated with Campus SIS.

Utilizing data your district has already entered in Campus.

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Campus Early Warning

Campus Early Warning uses powerful statistical algorithms to measure how attendance, behavior, academics, home and school stability interact to predict graduation. GRAD Scores help Student Services respond with interventions targeted at students who would benefit the most. Privacy is our highest priority, so the system saves risk correlations that cannot be connected back to individual past students.

Interested in learning more about the science behind Campus Early Warning? Check out this white paper from our data scientists describing how Infinite Campus offers a uniquely predictive system with daily updates.

Access white paper

Advantages of Campus Early Warning

  • Category scores - Attendance, behavior, curriculum, and stability
  • Daily risk predictions
  • Integrated - Built into the SIS; no imports, exports or synchronization necessary

All About Campus Insights

  • Enables users to identify how to best assess extent of learning loss and those in need of targeted intervention.
  • Analyze students quicker without having to set up metrics, charts, and ad hoc filters.

The early warning tool serves as a powerful game changer for dropout prevention in Kentucky. Compared to other early warning systems, this is by far superior.  We could not be more excited about having this tool to support Kentucky’s future!
Judi Vanderhaar, PhD, Division of Student Success, Ky Department of Education

Premium Surveys

Campus Analytics provides upgraded survey options, including:

  • Community surveys that can be accessed via URL or QR code. Skip third party survey software.
  • Survey Translation: Over 40 supported languages. 
  • Additional question types including: file upload, emotion ratings, image picker, ranking, html and sortable lists.