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Top 4 Products this Fall

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• November 16, 2021

We are well into the 2021-22 school year. Now is a great time to reflect on how your third-party tools have been performing. Below are the top Campus products that districts have upgraded to this fall. Are you ready to leave third-party products behind?

1. Food Service

Streamline cafeteria processes. See some of our new COVID friendly functionality: Multi-day Serve, CEP Meal Tally, and Contactless Scanning.

2. Online Registration

Say goodbye to paper intensive processes (and reading bad handwriting). Bring your registration process online for new and existing students

3. Messenger with Voice

Send email, text and voice messages using data that’s in Campus SIS. This product is fully-integrated with Campus SIS so no uploads or downloads are required.

4. Campus Learning Suite

Offer anytime, anyplace (distance) learning for students with a simple user interface that connects teachers to new, powerful tools for digital learning.