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Infinite Campus & Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

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• November 9, 2023

Helping students be successful in the classroom and in life after graduation is a passion for many teachers. 

In districts throughout the country, a common framework utilized is the multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS): a structure schools use to give targeted comprehensive support to struggling students.

Through different pillars focused on the well-being of the students, educators integrate MTSS instructional methods into daily activities. 

At Infinite Campus, creating an approach that focused on the whole student was of high importance. The support structure created focuses on six categories, including:

  1. Screening, Progress Monitoring and Data Analysis
  2. Academic Growth
  3. Behavior
  4. Attendance
  5. Social-Emotional Learning
  6. Family Engagement

To support each above category, as well as school personnel, a wide array of MTSS-supportive features were added directly to the Infinite Campus SIS. These seamlessly integrated tools span across various modules and operate in the district’s existing workflow, allowing cohesiveness and efficiency to school staff. These system-wide Campus SIS functionalities will help educators focus on the whole child by identifying issues early, thereby allowing them to intervene quickly.