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More enhancements to the new assignment editor

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• July 20, 2021

I’m excited to tell you about more enhancements to the new assignment editor. There are four areas of enhancements are part of Campus.2128, which was released July 6. 

  1. Flexibility to allow assignments to be in sync between sections/copies or differentiated 

It’s pretty common that you create an assignment and then realize you need to make a few changes to it. If it’s an assignment you scheduled into multiple sections, you might want those changes reflected in all sections, but you might not.  

Here’s an example: 

Let’s say you created an assignment for three different sections, but you want to change the due date for only one of those sections. After you go into that section and make the change, you’ll see this message, asking if you’d like to update any other copies of that assignment.

The blue check boxes along the left side allow you to pick and choose which sections get updated. 

Note: This works this way if all the sections chosen are active on the new date you choose. If one of the sections is not active on the new due date, you will not be able to change the date on that section. 

It doesn’t end there – you have more flexibility than that! If you make two kinds of changes to the initial assignment, maybe change the due date and change the total number of points, when you save you see a slightly different message.

This screen lets you apply one, both, or neither of the changes to the other sections. You only need to make the changes once and then choose which sections to apply them to. 

I used the number of points as the example, but this would include any of the grading information on the assignment including Abbreviation, Sequence, Category, Standard/Grading Task, Scoring Type, Marks, Points, and Multiplier. 

Note: This works when all the sections chosen have the same grading set up for the change you are making.  

Let’s look at a third scenario. You change three kinds of things on the assignment. For example, you could change the date, the number of points, and the summary description or another part of the assignment’s content. The content could be the summary description or instructions, adding or changing a file attached to the assignment, or adding a Scoring Rubric. If you make three types of changes to the assignment, you receive this prompt:

This new flexibility will also work across schools. If you teach in multiple schools, you will see a message like the one below, with both schools showing on the message.

2. Section Groups view in Grade Book 

Section Groups support in the Grade Book is back! When you choose a Section Group, you can now click the Add button and add the Assignment to the Section Group.

You can see highlighted at the top this assignment is in the History B Section Group.

If you scroll to the bottom of the assignment editor, as seen below, you see this assignment aligns to all three sections in this Section Group.

It will work as expected provided the grading set up is the same in all sections within the Section Group.  

  1. Default Grading values 

Assignment Defaults are now located within Categories. To access Categories, first click on Settings to expand the Settings menu.

When you click on Categories, you will see the Categories already created for the section.

When you choose a Category, in this case, the Category called Assignments, you see this screen:

There are three new columns on the right side. They allow you to set default values for this Category in any or all your sections. 

Below they are filled in for History A.

Then, when you go to create a new assignment, depending on the Category you choose, the fields below it will auto-populate. In this case, the Scoring Type is set to Points, the number of points is 100 and the Multiplier is 1.000.

If you change the Category, the values will change based on the defaults in the new Category. After your defaults are set, they will auto populate, but you can always manually change the default settings on an individual assignment.  

  1. Abbreviations on Duplicate 

There have also been updates to the abbreviation field when an assignment is duplicated. To duplicate an assignment, click the arrow next to the Edit button and choose Duplicate.

When you duplicate an assignment, the title of the new assignment will change to include the words “Copy of,” and to start, the Abbreviation field remains the same.

Once you change the title, however, the Abbreviation field will automatically change.